2020 TRON Symposium -TRONSHOW-
Pre-registration has started.
TRON Project is a project based on the philosophy of “Open Architecture.” “Open” approach has been expanding in many fields including embedded systems, “Open data” that makes available the data owned by the government, local governments, public transportation operators, etc. and utilizes them, and ”Open API” that enhances “the Internet of Things (IoT)” to create convenient services that span the boundaries of manufacturers and service providers.
The symposium will introduce elemental technologies that realize “Open API,” and their application examples, and examples of the collaboration with other projects. This year again, with the technical sponsorship of IEEE Consumer Technology Society, a paper session is held to present papers on the latest research of the IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), open data and embedded systems.
Tokyo Midtown Hall [9-7-1, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo] (Access) (Midtown East B1F)
Concurrent virtual exhibition will be held online.
December 9 (Wed) to 11 (Fri), 2020 10:00~17:00
Entrance fee:
Free if pre-registered. Pre-registration is required this year.
TRON Forum
collaboration Hub for University and Business (cHUB), Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation And Design (INIAD), Toyo University
Institute of Infrastructure Application of Ubiquitous Computing (IAUC) Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, the University of Tokyo