This website collects and disseminates security advisories concerning vulnerabilities of the middleware products for TRON RTOS family (T-Kernel, μT-Kernel, T2EX, and ITRON specification RTOS, etc.) and OS kernel itself.
Please note that TRON Forum only publishes the technical specification document for ITRON RTOS. Implementation of the ITRON Specification RTOS is done by various parties according to the specification. Hence, TRON Forum is not in a position to make a definitive statement on the vulnerabilities of the available implementations. However, in order to make it easy for the users of TRON RTOS family to obtain known vulnerabilities of TRON RTOS family, the forum has created this site as the collection and dissemination site for security advisories.
This website publishes information released by TRON Forum. It also publishes information sent by the TRON Forum members and others as well. TRON Forum appreciates to receive any information on vulnerabilities related to third party products for TRON RTOS family.
Oct. 1 2019
Warning regarding the "Urgent/11" vulnerabilities of IP stack of former Interpeak
There have been reports concerning the vulnerabilities called "Urgent/11" of IP stack produced by former Interpeak.
TCP/IP protocol stack that is offered as part of T-Kernel 2.0 Extension (T2EX) is based on NetBSD protocol stack and has no relation to the IP stack of former Interpeak that is the subject of "Urgent/11" vulnerabilities.
However, we would like to remind members that proper care should be taken by consulting the latest security notices if a TCP/IP stack from a third party is used in your application irrespective of whether you use TRON RTOS family or not.
TRON Forum appreciates to receive any information on "Urgent/11" and other vulnerabilities related to third party products for TRON RTOS family. We would disseminate the information to membership in an appropriate manner.
■TRON Forum Security Advisories
■Department of Homeland Security
ICS Advisory (ICSA-19-274-01)
Interpeak IPnet TCP/IP Stack
■ For your information, the following is the advisory regarding "Urgent/11" by ARMIS.