TRON Forum

On-the-Web Seminar

On-the-Web Seminar — Self-Study of the Basics of Real-Time OSs

This On-the-web seminar is an easy-to-understand introduction for beginners learning about real-time OSs for embedded systems. You don’t even need any knowledge of C language. Now, click on any of the following items you want to view.

Chap 1: Differences between OSs for Personal Computers and Embedded Systems (10 minutes)

(1) Control Systems are Event-Driven
(2) Detecting an Event and Activating the Corresponding Processing
(3) Limited Time for Each Event Processing
(4) Hard Real-Time Processing and Soft Real-Time Processing
(5) Control Systems are Multitasking
(6) Priority Processing is Necessary for Hard Real-Time Processing

Chap 2: Advantages of a Real-Time OS (15 minutes)

(1) Where is a Real-Time OS Used?
(2) Trends of Technology Demanded by the Market (Background of Real-Time OS Applications)
(3) Requirements for Embedded Software Development
(4) Separation of Application and Hardware Control
(5) Easier Maintenance of Software Assets
(6) Middleware and Driver Distribution
(7) Applied Products

Chap 3: Operations of a Real-Time OS (15 minutes)

(1) How does Scheduler Work?
(2) When is Scheduler Activated?
(3) Difference between a Task and a Handler
(4) Task State Transition
(5) Dividing Tasks
(6) OS Functions
(7) Disadvantages and Performance of an Embedded OS

Chap 4: Style of Programming on a Real-Time OS (5 minutes)

(1) Service-Call-Type Programming
(2) Event-Driven Programming
(3) Driver-Type Programming

After This Seminar

Encouragement of Advanced Education
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