TRON Forum

µT-Kernel 3.0

μT-Kernel 3.0 is a real-time OS for small-scale embedded systems such as IoT edge nodes.


  • Compliant with the international standard IEEE 2050-2018
    IEEE 2050-2018 is an international standard for real-time OSs, "IEEE Standard for a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Small-Scale Embedded Systems." μT-Kernel 3.0 complies with this standard.
  • High performance and compactness
    μT-Kernel 3.0 allows you to use many functions of T-Kernel 2.0. You can easily delete the functions you don't use from the code, reducing memory footprint.
  • High portability and support for development environments
    μT-Kernel 3.0 has been rebuilt from μT-Kernel 2.0 to make it easier to port it to various processors. It is designed to be independent of specific software development environments and tools.

μT-Kernel 3.0 specification can be obtained from the TRON Forum website.

Specification page

The source code for μT-Kernel 3.0 can be downloaded from the following repository on GitHub※1Packages that are compatible with various development environments and commercially available microprocessor boards are also published.

μT-Kernel 3.0 (mtkernel_3)

The source code of the official and pre-release versions of μT-Kernel 3.0 is available.
The following microprocessors are supported. μT-Kernel 3.0 can also be easily ported to the CPUs that use the same CPU core listed in the table.

Supported microprocessorsCPU coresManufacturers
TMPM367FDFGARM Cortex-M3Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
STM32L486VGARM Cortex-M4FSTMicroelectronics K.K.
RZ/A2MARM Cortex-A9Renesas Electronics Corporation
RX231RXv2Renesas Electronics Corporation

List of supported microprocessors (Status of v3.00.05 released in November 2021)

μT-Kernel 3.0 development environment collection (mtk3_devenv)

A set of μT-Kernel 3.0 and project files, etc. is available for various development environments. In addition, if you are using a C language development environment that is not supported now, it is easy to support it.

Development environmentsDevelopersSupported microprocessors
EclipseEclipse FoundationTMPM367FDFG
STM32Cibe IDESTMicroelectronics K.K.STM32L486VG
E2 StudioRenesas Electronics CorporationRX231
Embedded StudioSEGGER MicrocontrollerTMPM367FDFG

List of supported development environments (Status in May 2021)

μT-Kernel 3.0 BSP collection (mtk3_bsp)

The Board Support Package (BSP) is released as a package that provides basic device drivers, etc., after porting μT-Kernel 3.0 to commercial off-the-shelf CPU boards.

※1 You can obtain the μT-Kernel 3.0 source code from the TRON Forum website. However, it is recommended to download it from GitHub to get the latest version.

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