We are pleased to announce 2015 TRON Symposium, the 31st TRON Project Symposium to be held on 9th - 10th of December 2015, in Tokyo, Japan. The Symposium, with technical co-sponsorship of IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, will feature presentation sessions of papers, poster sessions, panel discussions, tutorial sessions and an accompanying exhibition, TRONSHOW (9th-11th December.)
Submission of Papers
Accepted and presented full papers will be submitted to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE XploreⓇ online publication database. Prospective authors in the embedded systems industry and the emerging field of the IoT are encouraged to submit full papers or extended abstract for presentation. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered.Papers presented at the Symposium should be full papers or extended abstract, in English of maximum 9 pages including figures and pictures, using the supplied template. The minimum length is 2 pages for an extended abstract from busy practitioners. See “Topics of Interest” at the end of the call for relevant topics that are of interest to the Symposium per se, and the visitors to the accompanying exhibition.
We have decided to make the registration of the abstract optional due to the
communication difficulties among the research team members during the summer vacation time in the Northern Hemisphere. (Still, we would appreciate your advance registration of the intent to submit the final draft later on.)
See the details in the following URL.
We look forward to your paper submissions!