Service Profile

Service Profile Items That Show Whether a Function is Effective or Ineffective

The service profile item that shows whether a particular function is effective ( or enabled) or ineffective (or disabled) is described by using a macro shown below, which is defined to be either TRUE, or FALSE. (The following definitions are given as example only, and each implementation shall define these appropriately.)

#define  TK_STDTK                    FALSE  /* Standard T-Kernel (always FALSE)  */
#define  TK_MICROTK                  TRUE   /* μT-Kernel (must be TRUE) */

#define  TK_ALLOW_MISALIGN           FALSE  /* Memory misalign access is permitted */
#define  TK_BIGENDIAN                FALSE  /* Is Big Endian (Must be defined) */
#define  TK_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS          TRUE   /* Use virtual address
                                               (physical memory != logical memory) */
#define  TK_VIRTUAL_MEMORY           FALSE  /* Has virtual memory
                                               (non-resident memory exists) */
#define  TK_TRAP_SVC                 FALSE  /* Use CPU Trap instruction for system call 
                                               entry */
#define  TK_HAS_DOUBLEWORD           FALSE  /* Support of 64-bit data types (D, UD, VD) */

#define  TK_SUPPORT_SERCD            FALSE  /* Support of sub error code */

#define  TK_HAS_SYSSTACK             FALSE  /* Task has a separate system stack */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_FPU              TRUE   /* Support of FPU */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_COP0             TRUE   /* Support of co-processor number 0 */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_COP1             FALSE  /* Support of co-processor number 1 */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_COP2             FALSE  /* Support of co-processor number 2 */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_COP3             FALSE  /* Support of co-processor number 3 */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_RESOURCE         FALSE  /* Support of resource group */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_USERBUF          TRUE   /* Support of user-specified buffer
                                               (TA_USERBUF) */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_AUTOBUF          FALSE  /* Support of automatic buffer allocation
                                               (No TA_USERBUF specification) */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_SLICETIME        TRUE   /* Support of setting task slice time
                                               (tk_chg_slt) */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_TASKINF          TRUE   /* Support of getting task statistics
                                               (tk_inf_tsk) */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_USEC             FALSE  /* Support of microsecond */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_TASKSPACE        FALSE  /* Support of task space */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_TASKEVENT        FALSE  /* Support of task event  */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_DISWAI           FALSE  /* Support of disabling wait */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_REGOPS           FALSE  /* Support of get/set register operation */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_ASM              TRUE   /* Support of assembly language function
                                               entry/exit */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_DSNAME           FALSE  /* Support of DS object names */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_TASKEXCEPTION    FALSE  /* Support of task exception  */

#define  TK_SUPPORT_LOWPOWER         TRUE   /* Support of power management */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_SSYEVENT         FALSE  /* Support of subsystem event processing */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_LARGEDEV         FALSE  /* Support of Large Mass-storage Device
                                               (64-bit) */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_INTCTRL          TRUE   /* Support of interrupt controller
                                               management */
#define  TK_HAS_ENAINTLEVEL          TRUE   /* Can specify interrupt priority level */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_CPUINTLEVEL      TRUE   /* Support of get/set of CPU interrupt
                                               mask level */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_CTRLINTLEVEL     TRUE   /* Support of get/set of interrupt controller
                                               interrupt mask level */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_INTMODE          TRUE   /* Support of setting interrupt mode */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_SYSCONF          FALSE  /* Support of getting system configuration
                                               information */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_IOPORT           TRUE   /* Support of I/O port access */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_MICROWAIT        TRUE   /* Support of micro wait */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_CACHECTRL        TRUE   /* Support of cache control */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_WBCACHE          TRUE   /* Support of write-back cache */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_WTCACHE          TRUE   /* Support of write-through cache */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_SYSMEMBLK        FALSE  /* Support of system memory allocation */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_MEMLIB           FALSE  /* Support of memory allocation library */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_ADDRSPACE        FALSE  /* Support of address space management */
#define  TK_SUPPORT_PTIMER           TRUE   /* Support of physical timer */

#define  TK_SUPPORT_DBGSPT           FALSE  /* Support of T-Kernel/DS */

Although the implementations of μT-Kernel 2.0 must define the profile items mentioned previously, the use of profile where some definitions are missing should be practiced since T-Kernel series OS does not provide profile at all, and there bound to be implementation's failures to define all the profile items. For example, if you want to distinguish the effective/ineffective/undefined status, you can perform the following check.

#if defined(TK_SUPPORT_xxx)
  #if TK_SUPPORT_xxx
    /* when a profile item is set to be effective. */
    /* when a profile item is set to be ineffective */
  /* when a profile item is undefined. */

Note that if profile item definition is used in conditional, the judgment is the selection between the two cases: effective or the ineffective/undefined.

#if TK_SUPPORT_xxx
  /* when a profile item is set to be effective. */
  /* when a profile item is set to be ineffective or undefined. */

NoteAdditional Notes

It is not possible to specify both TK_SUPPORT_USERBUF and TK_SUPPORT_AUTOBUF to be FALSE at the same time.

TK_SUPPORT_USEC and TK_SUPPORT_LARGEDEV depend on TK_HAS_DOUBLEWORD. That is, when TK_HAS_DOUBLEWORD is set to be ineffective, these two profile items are also set to be ineffective.

Service Profile Items That Represent Values

A service profile item that represents a limit value or version number will be specified as a MACRO that holds the value. (The following definitions are given as example only. The real values of profile items are implementation-dependent.)

#define  TK_SPECVER_MAJOR            2      /* Major Version number of μT-Kernel*/
#define  TK_SPECVER_MINOR            0      /* μT-Kernel minor version number */
#define  TK_SPECVER                  ((TK_SPECVER_MAJOR << 8) | TK_SPECVER_MINOR)
                                            /* Version number of μT-Kernel */

#define  TK_MAX_TSKPRI               32     /* Maximum task priority (>= 16) */
#define  TK_WAKEUP_MAXCNT            65535  /* Maximum queuing number of the task wakeup
                                               requests (>= 1) */
#define  TK_SEMAPHORE_MAXCNT         65535  /* Maximum semaphore count (>= 32767) */
#define  TK_SUSPEND_MAXCNT           65535  /* Maximum queuing count of the forced wait
                                               of tasks */
#define  TK_MEM_RNG0                 0      /* Real memory protection level of TA_RNG0
                                               (0〜3) */
#define  TK_MEM_RNG1                 0      /* Real memory protection level of TA_RNG1
                                               (0〜3) */
#define  TK_MEM_RNG2                 0      /* Real memory protection level of TA_RNG2
                                               (0〜3) */
#define  TK_MEM_RNG3                 3      /* Real memory protection level of TA_RNG3
                                               (0〜3) */
#define  TK_MAX_PTIMER               2      /* Maximum number of physical timers (>= 0)
                                               (Values from 1 to TK_MAX_PTIMER can be used 
                                               as physical timer number) */

TK_MEM_RNGn defines the real memory protection level of memory specified by TA_RNGn, and if TK_MEM_RNGn == TK_MEM_RNGm, then as far as memory access protection level goes, TA_RNGn and TA_RNGm are equivalent. In other words, it is guaranteed that a task with protection level m can access memory with protection level n without generating access privilege violation exception.

It is recommended that the developer is prepared for the case of missing definitions for service profile items that are supposed to have a value by means of coding such as defined(...).