Schedule of Technical Sessions

A keynote speech by Ken Sakamura, TRON Project Leader, other sessions which provide the latest information and tutorials will be scheduled during the exhibition.
The schedule for speeches and sessions are as follows.

Participation in speeches and sessions is free.
However, seat reservation is required. (*)
If you already have a visitor ID, press "Reserve a seat" button for each speech and session which you plan to attend.
If you do not have a visitor ID yet, register your profile on the Pre-registration page.

The schedule for speeches/sessions is subject to change without notice.

† "Pre-registration" is required for seat reservation.
† Standing room is not permitted. All sessions will be broadcast online. Pre-registrants can access the broadcast.

Wednesday, December 08
Theater 1+2
09:30 - 10:00 Opening Session
10:30 - 12:00 Keynote Speech: Rebooting
13:00 - 14:30 DX Special Session: The Role of ICT toward "Rebooting" of the Whole Society
15:00 - 16:30 VLED Special Session: Rebooting of Vitalization of Local Economy
Thursday, December 09
Theater 1
10:30 - 12:00 INIAD Now, and Its Recurrent Education
13:00 - 14:30 Open Smart UR
15:00 - 16:30 Technology to Avoid Three Cs, Closed Spaces, Crowded Places, and Close-contact Settings
Theater 2
10:15 - 11:45 Intel Technology Session: AI Everywhere — Intel Accelerates the Implementation of AI in Every Corner of Society
12:45 - 14:15 Infineon Session: Frontier of the Solutions that Support Smart Cities
14:45 - 16:15 Latest Development of “µT-Kernel,” Global Standard RTOS for IoT Edge Nodes ― Support for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processors
13:30 - 14:15 IEEE CTSoc Technical Paper Presentation Session
Friday, December 10
Theater 1
10:30 - 12:00 Awards Ceremony of the 4th Open Data Challenge for Public Transportation in Tokyo
15:00 - 16:30 Pasco Session: Realizing DX by Means of Geospatial Information Technology
Theater 2
10:15 - 11:45 Technology Session: Technologies that Use Location/Position Information and the Latest Application Examples
12:45 - 13:30 NEC Technology Session: TRON Technologies that Support the Space Sector as Social Infrastructure
13:30 - 14:00 Toshiba Device Solution Technology Session: Semiconductor Industry in the New Normal Age — Its Approach and Application of TRON Technologies
14:45 - 16:15 Environmental Issues, Optimization of Energy Resources — How Can Open IoT and Data Networking Be Utilized?

Wednesday, December 08

Opening Session
[Venue] Theater 1+2
2021/12/08 09:30 - 10:00
At the start of 2021 TRON Symposium (TRONSHOW), Ken Sakamura, TRON Project leader, summarizes the themes of this symposium, and invites the distinguished guests to speak briefly.

Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD, Toyo University / Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)

Yasushi Kaneko (Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications)
Takeyuki Watanabe (State Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Kazuchika Iwata (Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Yutaka Ukegawa (NEC Corporation)
Kunimasa Suzuki (President of Intel K.K.) →Profile

† Simultaneous translation available
If you would like to attend the Opening Session, please make a reservation for the "Keynote Speech" that follows the opening session. You can attend both the Opening Session and Keynote Speech.

Ken Sakamura
Yasushi Kaneko
Takeyuki Watanabe
Kazuchika Iwata
Yutaka Ukegawa
Kunimasa Suzuki

Wednesday, December 08

Keynote Speech: Rebooting
[Venue] Theater 1+2
2021/12/08 10:30 - 12:00
─ 2021 TRON Project and the Future Outlook
Ken Sakamura, TRON Project leader gives a talk on the activities of the project in 2021 such as open API collaboration architecture (IoT-Aggregator), open data, the IoT, embedded system, ubiquitous ID and fostering of human resources, the results from many subprojects, and the outlook on "Rebooting" of the society in the age of New Normal.

Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD, Toyo University / Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)

† Simultaneous translation available

Reservation Full
This session is full. You can not stand inside the session venue (theater).

Ken Sakamura

Wednesday, December 08

DX Special Session: The Role of ICT toward "Rebooting" of the Whole Society
[Venue] Theater 1+2
2021/12/08 13:00 - 14:30
At this point in time, vaccinations and other measures are progressing rapidly in Japan, and the new Coronavirus seems to be coming under control. The whole society has been greatly disempowered in the COVID-19 age. On the other hand, the use of ICT, such as working from home, is changing the way we do business and enabling us to do things that we could not do before. We will need to consider how to deal with new infectious diseases and how to "Reboot" society as a whole in the future. In this session, the world's leading ICT companies present on ICT for Rebooting. What ICT can do and its role are discussed in the panel discussion.

Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD, Toyo University / Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)

Makoto Ohno (Intel K.K.)
Yutaka Ukegawa (NEC Corporation)
Kenzaburo Tamaru (Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.)

† Simultaneous translation available

Ken Sakamura
Makoto Ohno
Yutaka Ukegawa
Kenzaburo Tamaru

Wednesday, December 08

VLED Special Session: Rebooting of Vitalization of Local Economy
[Venue] Theater 1+2
2021/12/08 15:00 - 16:30
There are many issues in Japan now such as graying society, climate change and aging social infrastructure. Addressing the decline of rural areas due to population decline caused by the concentration of population in cities, and vitalizing local economies are challenging issues. It is unfortunate that the momentum of the efforts to vitalize local economy has been diminished in the COVID-19 age. However, now that things are returning to normal gradually, we must once again facilitate such vitalization and move forward. The handling of matters related to COVID-19 demonstrated the need for administrative DX in government offices. This session introduces the initiatives of Vitalizing Local Economy Organization by Open Data & Big Data (VLED), which supports the promotion of smart administration using DX, and Super Cities, which utilize the National Strategic Special Zones system to realize advanced services that use AI and big data in collaboration with residents and companies.

Ken Sakamura (Director, VLED)
Katsuhiko Kita (Councillor of the cabinet Office for Promotion of Regional Revitalization)

† Simultaneous translation available

Ken Sakamura
Katsuhiko Kita

Thursday, December 09

INIAD Now, and Its Recurrent Education
[Venue] Theater 1
2021/12/09 10:30 - 12:00
Implementing digital transformation (DX) is currently a major challenge for many Japanese organizations. This is due to the very rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), measured in so-called dog year. With the maturation of technologies such as the IoT, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI), the infrastructure has been developed for companies to solve issues in new ways through "digital" means. However, it is not easy to foster human resources who are familiar with such cutting-edge technologies. Utilizing the knowledge of leading-edge technology cultivated by TRON Project, the faculty of Information Networking for Innovation And Design (INIAD), Toyo University in its fifth year, has been developing human resources who can solve social issues with ICT by "collaborating" with people in many fields. In addition, INIAD has been actively promoting initiatives to meet the needs of "recurrent education" for working adults. This session presents current and future efforts at INIAD which encourages the DX of the society in Japan.

Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD, Toyo University / Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)

Masahiro Bessho (Associate Professor of INIAD, Toyo University)
Takeshi Yashiro (Associate Professor of INIAD, Toyo University)
Satoshi Asano (Assistant Professor of INIAD, Toyo University)

† Simultaneous translation available

Only a few seats left

Ken Sakamura
Masahiro Bessho
Takeshi Yashiro

Thursday, December 09

Open Smart UR
[Venue] Theater 1
2021/12/09 13:00 - 14:30
A prototype model house to study the vision of future housing and the theme of future housing complex will be completed in March 2022. The Open Smart UR Study Group has been working on this project since April 2019. People will actually live there from April 2022 to collect various data of the living environment. Four types of prototype model houses will be built. The members of the study group, about 70 enterprises, will conduct experiments of information networking, data collaboration, etc. on the "housing" collaboration platform. An overview of the prototype model houses, the technologies to realize them, and the planned experiments are presented.

Ken Sakamura (Chair, Open Smart UR Study Group)
Mitsunori Ogami (Urban Renaissance Agency)
Takehisa Yonezawa (Urban Renaissance Agency)

† Simultaneous translation available

Only a few seats left

Ken Sakamura
Mitsunori Ogami
Takehisa Yonezawa

Thursday, December 09

Technology to Avoid Three Cs, Closed Spaces, Crowded Places, and Close-contact Settings
[Venue] Theater 1
2021/12/09 15:00 - 16:30
In the age of COVID-19 that suddenly struck Japanese society, many trials were proposed by using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to sustain our social life. A lot of attention was paid to the technologies to avoid "three Cs, closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings" such as the use of people flow data derived from mobile phone base station information that appeared in various news reports. TRON Project has developed a technology to detect congestion in real time by observing the radio signals of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA), and has been providing data to TOKYO MX and introducing the technology to local governments. This session presents what can be done with ICT to avoid three Cs.

Masahiro Bessho (INIAD, Toyo University)

Yuta Saito (Tokyo Metropolitan Television Broadcasting Corp.)
Yoshiaki Yamagishi (Senior General Manager, Business Planning Department, Business Architecture Center, DX Design Division, TOPPAN INC.)
Tetsushi Watanabe (CTO, MaaS Tech Japan K.K.)
and more

† Simultaneous translation available

Masahiro Bessho
Yuta Saito
Yoshiaki Yamagishi
Tetsushi Watanabe

Thursday, December 09

Intel Technology Session: AI Everywhere — Intel Accelerates the Implementation of AI in Every Corner of Society
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/09 10:15 - 11:45
In recent years, the social and business implementation of AI has been increasing, and we are receiving the benefits from this innovative technology everywhere. Intel has been pursuing running AI as a matter of course on Intel CPUs, which are already "everywhere," and has been constantly enhancing and improving its products. In this presentation, Intel's AI initiatives in general, including hardware, software, and customer case studies, as well as our recent focus on security technology and AI education are presented in specific terms. Please take this opportunity to feel the usefulness and breadth of Intel AI offering.

Hiroshi Ouchiyama (Intel K.K.)
Daisuke Osahara (Intel K.K.)
Miki Endo (Intel K.K.)

Hiroshi Ouchiyama
Daisuke Osahara
Miki Endo

Thursday, December 09

Infineon Session: Frontier of the Solutions that Support Smart Cities
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/09 12:45 - 14:15
Declining population, aging society, and labor shortage. The Japanese society is now undergoing major changes ahead of the rest of the world. On the other hand, people's desire for a better living is unquenchable. In our living sphere, realization of more convenient, environmentally friendly, safe and secure living infrastructure is constantly pursued. In this session titled "Frontier of the Solutions that Support Smart Cities," leading-edge application fields and the semiconductor system solutions that support them are introduced, and future potentials are discussed.

Takashi Goto (Infineon Technologies Japan K.K.)
Shingo Akiyoshi (CEO, QuantumCore, Inc.)
Ken Matsui (CEO, ugo Inc.)

Takashi Goto
Shingo Akiyoshi
Ken Matsui

Thursday, December 09

Latest Development of “µT-Kernel,” Global Standard RTOS for IoT Edge Nodes ― Support for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processors
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/09 14:45 - 16:15
Embedded OSs are incorporated in a wide range of machines and devices, from home appliances and other familiar devices to diverse types of vehicles and satellites. They play the behind-the-scenes role in real-time control while sensing ever-changing circumstances, and are becoming increasingly important in industry. big.LITTLE multi-core processors, which can handle real-time processing and advanced information processing on a single chip, are expected to meet the increasing demand for advanced information processing today such as machine learning and image processing in various fields. In this session, asymmetric multiprocessing which operates real-time OS µT-Kernel and application OS Linux simultaneously on a big.LITTLE chip is discussed. The latest µT-Kernel and the application of the IoT technology to smart buildings, etc. are also discussed and their possibilities are explored.

Akira Matsui (Substitute chair of TRON Forum T3WG / Personal Media Corporation)

Takeshi Hayakawa (NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.)
Tatsushi Morokuma (Ubiquitous Computing Technology Corporation)
and more

† Simultaneous translation available

Akira Matsui
Takeshi Hayakawa
Tatsushi Morokuma

Thursday, December 09

IEEE CTSoc Technical Paper Presentation Session
[Venue] Online
2021/12/09 13:30 - 14:15
01:35 pm: Arrhythmia Classification Using EFFICIENTNET-V2 with 2-D Scalogram Image Representation

Muhammad Furqon (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia); Supeno Mardi Susiki Nugroho (Sepuluh Nopember Institute Of Technology, Indonesia); Reza Fuad Rachmadi (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia); Arief Kurniawan (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia); I Ketut Eddy Purnama (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia); Mpu Aji (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya, Indonesia)

Abstract: Cardiovascular disease is part of global death's main cause. It is the term for all types of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels. Heart Disease is a type of cardiovascular disease. It's can detect early by examining the arrhythmia presence. Arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm which commonly diagnoses and evaluate by analyzing an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. In classical techniques, a cardiologist/ clinician used an ECG to monitor the patient's heart rate and rhythm and read the patient's activity journal to diagnose arrhythmias and to develop appropriate treatment plans. The use of an ECG, on the other hand, takes time and effort. The development of arrhythmias diagnoses, toward computational processes, such as detecting and classifying using machine learning and deep learning. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a popular method used to classify arrhythmia. Dataset pre-processing was also considered to achieve the best performance models. Our study used the EfficientNet-V2 which is a type of convolutional neural network to perform the classification of five arrhythmias. In pre-processing, the ECG signal was cut each 1 second (360 data), augmentation is applied to balance the variation of the dataset, and Continues Wavelet Transform (CWT) is employed to transform the ECG signal into a scalogram. The dataset is then distributed with a modulus algorithm to get variety in each set of datasets. The color map is applied to convert scalograms into RGB images. By this scheme, our study achieved superior accuracy than the existing method, with an accuracy rate of 99.97%.

01:55 pm: Harnessing IoT Technology for the Development of Wearable Contact Tracing Solutions

Rex Acharya (Sam Houston State University, USA); Amar A Rasheed (Sam Houston State University, USA); Hacer Varol (Stephen F. Austin State University, USA); Mohamed Baza (College of Charleston, USA); Louanne Mozer Sallo (Sam Houston State University, USA); Rabi Mahapatr (Texas A&M University, USA)

Abstract: Advancements in mobile computing and embedded system technologies show superiority in controlling the transmission of a virus during the COVID-19 pandemic. They provide rapid contact data compared to manual contact tracing and medical monitoring methodologies. Data tracing capabilities were achieved by existing technologies via the utilization of smartphone-based exposure notifications systems and proximity sensing tools based on Bluetooth/GPS. Such systems lack user privacy and data anonymization capabilities, it also requires that users have continuous access to smartphones. This paper proposes the development of a lightweight wearable prototype for contact tracing. The proposed system is based on the deployment of an IoT development board, incorporated with a Bluetooth chipset for proximity sensing. To overcome the problem of user-to-smartphone accessibility, the processing of contact data by the exposure notification system has been migrated from mobile computing to a contact tracer management server that is managed by the community. Daily contact exposures to the virus are recorded by each user's contact tracing system and stored in the user's blockchain. Data integrity and immunity against data injection attacks were achieved via the implementation of lightweight block chaining and validation schemes. Data anonymization was also supported via the utilization of the onboard AES crypto engine. Meanwhile, support for user anonymity was incorporated into the proposed system through the implementation of an anonymous authentication protocol based on the Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) approach. Finally, we have analyzed the performance of the system in terms of power consumption under various systems settings, such as encryption key size and the required number of ZKP validation attempts per authentication session.

→Proceedings Available (one in zipped archive, the other is concatenated PDF)

How to participate: Those who wish to participate in the paper presentation session, please contact with your name and e-mail address with the subject line that contains ‘attend’ without quotes.
The application will be accepted until 10:30 December 9th.
Details about teleconferencing software and URL will be sent to the e-mail address.

【Session Chair】Dr. Fahim Khan (Toyo University, Japan)
Authors of two papers

Fahim Khan

Friday, December 10

Awards Ceremony of the 4th Open Data Challenge for Public Transportation in Tokyo
[Venue] Theater 1
2021/12/10 10:30 - 12:00
Association for Open Data of Public Transportation (ODPT), in which many public transport operators and ICT stakeholders participate, called for a wide range of applications that would realize smooth movement and comfortable stay in Tokyo through the 4th Open Data Challenge for Public Transportation in Tokyo. The winning entries have been selected, so the award ceremony will be held. At the ceremony, Ken Sakamura, Chair of the ODPT, the organizer of the contest, gives an overview of the contest, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the co-organizers, delivers remarks, and the winning entries are announced and introduced.

Ken Sakamura (Chair, Association for Open Data of Public Transportation)
Manabu Miyasaka (Vice Governor, Tokyo Metropolitan Government)
Yasuhiro Kushida (Deputy Vice-Minister for Cyber Security and Information, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Prize winners

† Simultaneous translation available

Ken Sakamura
Manabu Miyasaka
Yasuhiro Kushida

Friday, December 10

Pasco Session: Realizing DX by Means of Geospatial Information Technology
[Venue] Theater 1
2021/12/10 15:00 - 16:30
Digital Twin that precisely recreates objects in cities as a whole in cyber space to realize DX that uses spatial information, and feeds them back for city planning, etc. in real world, has been attracting attention lately. Digital Twin combines dynamic data of real-time disaster and weather, and people flow, and static data on cities to perform diverse types of simulations. In this session, the latest technologies to obtain spatial information that use satellites, drones, and automobiles, and services that become possible through them, which are indispensable to realize DX are introduced. The role of spatial information and how it should be in the future for the realization of the digital twin are discussed.

Ken Sakamura (Dean of INIAD, Toyo University / Director of YRP Ubiquitous Networking Laboratory)

Shirohisa Furuta (Division Director, Satellite Business Division, PASCO CORPORATION)
Osamu Nishimura (Excuteive Officer / Division Director, New Geospatial Information Division, PASCO CORPORATION)
Seiya Hasegawa (Doctor of Engneering, Senior Manager, Business Development Department, SECOM CO., LTD.)

Ken Sakamura
Shirohisa Furuta
Osamu Nishimura
Seiya Hasegawa

Friday, December 10

Technology Session: Technologies that Use Location/Position Information and the Latest Application Examples
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/10 10:15 - 11:45
Applications of location information on where people and objects are in space-time are being put to practical use outdoors. Examples of this use include smartphone navigation, car navigation, drone control, and autonomous movement of agricultural machinery. On the other hand, there are growing expectations for the applications of indoor location information in free-address offices and in situations where robots and people coexist. In this session, the latest technologies for location and position recognition and their applications are introduced, such as satellite positioning technology with centimeter accuracy that uses “Michibiki,” Quasi-Zenith Satellite System, "kokosil" an application that utilizes location information, and application utilizes location information in smart buildings.

Tatsushi Morokuma (Ubiquitous Computing Technology Corporation)

Koki Asari (Japan Space Systems)
Koji Minegishi (Manager, Ubiquitous Solutions Division, Ubiquitous Computing Technology Corporation)

† Simultaneous translation available

Tatsushi Morokuma
Koki Asari
Koji Minegishi

Friday, December 10

NEC Technology Session: TRON Technologies that Support the Space Sector as Social Infrastructure
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/10 12:45 - 13:30
The market for space systems, such as satellites and rockets, is booming with an increasing number of new entrants, and systems integrated with operation and data processing centers are becoming increasingly important as social infrastructure. Satellites are hard real-time systems positioned as edge nodes of the IoT, and as sensor and communication relay nodes. Members of TRON OS family such as T-Kernel support such real-time performance. This session introduces the latest TRON applications.

Hiroki Hihara (2nd Space Systems Group, Space Systems Division, Public Infrastructure Business Unit, NEC Corporation)

† Following this session, Toshiba Device Solution Technology Session: Semiconductor Industry in the New Normal Age—Its Approach and Application of TRON Technologies will be held.

Hiroki Hihara

Friday, December 10

Toshiba Device Solution Technology Session: Semiconductor Industry in the New Normal Age — Its Approach and Application of TRON Technologies
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/10 13:30 - 14:00
In the post COVID-19 age or new normal age, the semiconductor business is attracting attention again as an axis of economic activity. The current state of the industry is explained along with the latest product lineup. In addition, application examples of microcontroller products, TRON technology applications, and future developments are presented.

Yu Karasuda (Toshiba Electronic Device Solutions Corporation)

† This session will be conducted following the NEC Technology Session: TRON Technologies that Support the Space Sector as Social Infrastructure.

Friday, December 10

Environmental Issues, Optimization of Energy Resources — How Can Open IoT and Data Networking Be Utilized?
[Venue] Theater 2
2021/12/10 14:45 - 16:15
This session aims at sharing the latest information on the realization of a decarbonized society and the expansion of renewable energy resources, which have been recognized as the most important social issues against the backdrop of a global consensus. The use of advanced DX technologies such as cloud computing and data collaboration to solve these social issues is presented. In addition, the applications and future outlook of the latest technologies in open IoT, Aggregate Computing, and API collaboration are discussed.

Yutaka Tamanoi (Professor, Collaboration HUB for university and Business, Faculty of Information Networking for Innovation And Design, Toyo University)

Nobuyuki Yamamoto (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.)
Masaaki Kishi (Ministry of the Environment)
Kenji Eda (Raul Inc.)
Reika Hasegawa (Social Science Analyst)
Yusuke Nomura (Microtech Laboratory Inc.)
Nobushige Hirosato (SORD CORPORATION)
and more

Yutaka Tamanoi
Masaaki Kishi
Kenji Eda
Reika Hasegawa
Yusuke Nomura
Hiroaki Toyama
Nobushige Hirosato